Sunday, March 18, 2012

Still going.

Even though this blog has been quiet, the decluttering has been continuing.
  1. Childrens' tchotchkes in the trash
  2. Clothes in the donation bin.
  3. Clothing to be recycled
  4. Papers in the paper recycling
  5. More donated clothing
  6. and a broken kite in the trash.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Pens and paper

We went through the children's school and art supplies and these pens are dry. To the garbage, with the broken tchotcke as well.

More paperwork pulled out of the piles for the recycling bin.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Artwork, paper and clutter

Sometimes I look around and wonder how I can keep decluttering and yet the apartment is still full of clutter. Then I look around at the artwork that the kids create every week (not even considering my own bills, magazines, and books!) and realize where it comes from.

Here on the left is 2.5 weeks worth of the children's creations. These are the finished works, worth keeping, not the drafts or errors. I separated them by child and placed them in art folders. I have one for each child for last year, one for each for this year, and this helped me remove some of the hanging artwork, put it in folders and replace it with newer art.

The three pictures below are my own paperwork, bills, magazines dealt with yesterday and today and ready for recycling, as well as some of the kids' draft artwork or first thoughts, that they don't want to keep. All to paper recycling.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Odds and Ends

  • Some worn out clothing (to the Orange bin).

  • Some tchotckes from the kids to the garbage.

  • And a broken timer to the Orange bin as well (love that Orange bin).

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My comfy jacket

My favorite comfy jacket has to go:-(.

The threadbare sleeves are at the point where hey are too embarrassing to even wear at home.

To the orange bin.